{Updated} Hazelbrook Middle School Oregon: Details On More Clarity On Fight Attack
Hazelbrook Middle School Oregon, A graphic video of a teenage female student brutally beating by an acquaintance in Hazelbrook Middle School in Oregon has generated outrage online. The video has raised concerns about the increase in barbaric images of violence on campus appearing on social media sites.
The latest video of a brutal school fight that has been circulating on the internet and circulating on social media, depicted the victim walking along an crowded hallway of the school as a classmate, apparently conscious of being watched is seen slapping the innocent student and grabbed her backpack.
source : knowpratibhapatil.com
What is the reason for this Hazelbrook Middle School Oregon video making waves?
Hazelbrook Middle School Oregon, The allegedly unprovoked attack also has triggered theories that this was planned because of an Hazelbrook student who documented the incident prior to when the fight began to break out. The social media site has been a source of concern for users about the troubling trend of school fight videos are gaining popular online. This dangerous trend was triggered by students sitting in wait to capture the fight and then upload the video to social media.
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People react when Hazelbrook Middle School fight video goes viral
Hazelbrook Middle School Oregon, as the Hazelbrook Middle School fight video became viral on the internet, with a number of people calling for an investigation officials from Tualatin Police Department said on X that they were conscious of what happened, however "because it involves juveniles, we are unable to comment further."
School officials in Tigard-Tualatin, the area where Hazelbrook School is located, said to Oregon Live that the attacker was nabbed and faces charges of assault. Jennifer Massey, the public information officer of Tualatin Police Department, told the outlet that Tualatin Police Department told the publication that the case was sent by the Washington County Juvenile Department.
In the meantime, the video being circulated on the internet has upset users on social media who called for swift actions against the perpetrator following the mother of the victim's victim's post on her behalf about the "horrific" attack on social media. The video was shared shortly after. was shared by numerous social media users which included Riley Gaines, a women's rights activist.
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